who'd have known
you said you going to bed soon, so I snuck off to your bedroom
and I thought I'd just wait there until I heard you come up the stairs
I pretended I was sleeping and I was hoping you would creep in
with me - put your arm around my shoulder
and it was as if the room got colder and we moved closer In together,
started talking about the weather, said tomorrow would be fun
we could watch a place in the sun
mitt hjärta blöder
you wipe the tears from my eye and you say that all that it takes is a phone call
I cry at the thought of being alone and then I wonder how long it will take 'til I'm home again
and I thought I'd just wait there until I heard you come up the stairs
I pretended I was sleeping and I was hoping you would creep in
with me - put your arm around my shoulder
and it was as if the room got colder and we moved closer In together,
started talking about the weather, said tomorrow would be fun
we could watch a place in the sun
mitt hjärta blöder
you wipe the tears from my eye and you say that all that it takes is a phone call
I cry at the thought of being alone and then I wonder how long it will take 'til I'm home again
Postat av: maliiin
waah? vad handlar detta om :S:(?
Postat av: tilda
jag saknar johan så jag nästan dör bara :(:(
ja förstog de när jag såg dom andra inläggen :( uschii.. men de blir bättre, de e bara ett år kvar nu ! tänk på det =) och dessutom kan ni ju vara glada att de inte är i olika länder ni bor i för de hade varit mkt mer komplicerat hahahaha huh :( ni hade fått växla pengar och lära er onödigt bra engelska eller så hade ni fått gå språkkurser om engelskan verkligen sög.., usch :( o tänk bara hur mkt större era flygolycksodds hade varit :O om ni flygit så mkt huhuh.. tänk på de :O :( nej ja vet.. de måste vara superjobbigt :(
btw, tkr ja du ska ge mig ditt bdb gästlösen, för ja måste ju kunna kiolla dina bilder iaf :( även om min e borta..